05 April 2011


05 April 2011
Oh yeah~!!

All my assignments and presentations are over!

I have learnt somethings through out these.

To get the coorperation from each group member is extremely hard!

Sometime, i really feel disappointed with some of my group members.

Some of them are so selfish, they were not giving their full cooperation

but giving some stuxxid reason to ignore the work.



That is over...

Let's jump to another topic xD

I had my hair cut almost 1 month ago.


*After* Not much changes, right?

I just cut it shorter, not dare to change my hais style><

Why i planned to cut it shorter?

Because i'm wondering is that my hair too long and

get away the nutrients from my body? xD

It has been a very long time that i never upload some photos at here. xp


Amanda + me Am i a narcissist? xD